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YearProjectOwnerLocalisationProject typeAdditional description
2020Ranney Falls Dam 10Parks CanadaCampbellford, ON
2019Campbellford Dam 11Parks CanadaCampbellford, ONWater management
2019Saint-OursParks CanadaQuébec, Canada
2019WabagishikValeOntario, Canada
2019Lock 24 – DouroParks CanadaOntario, Canada
2019Lock 23 – OtonabeeParks CanadaOntario, Canada
2019Lock 25 – Sawyer CreekParks CanadaOntario, Canada
2019Dam 1 – TrentonParks CanadaOntario, Canada
2019Lock 19 – Scott MillParks CanadaOntario, Canada
2019Lock 3 – Glenn MillerParks CanadaOntario, Canada
2019Lock 28 – Burleigh FallsParks CanadaOntario, Canada
2019Sir Adam Beck 1Ontario Power GenerationOntario, Canada
2018Dasque CreekBLUEARTH ASSET MANAGEMENT INC.British Columbia
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Trash rake automatic double-armed articulated intake cleaner 0.45TM 1
2018TusketNS PowerTusket, NS
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (roller) gates 8.22 3.048 8
Bulkhead (stoplogs) 8.135 1.778 3
Follower beam & monorail 1
Superstructure 8
Hoist 8
2018CaribooMetro VancouverBurnaby, BC
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Tainter gate 3.429 2.68224 1
Wire rope hoist 4.5 1
2018NassauCanada ParkPeterborough, ON
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Slide gate sector gates 2
Slide gate bypass gate 1
Electric actuator 2
Bulkhead (stoplogs) 1
Trash rake 1
2018KemanoRio TintoBritish-Columbia
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (roller) gate Intake gate 4.267 7.925 1
Gate hoist 1
Hoist support structure 1
Bulkhead (stoplogs) set of 3 5.385 3.086 1
Vortex suppression system 2
2018BuckinghamBoralexBuckingham, QC
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (roller) gate 6.6 5.7 2
Trash rack 1
2018WhitedogOPGOntario, Canada
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Bulkhead (stoplogs) 4
2018Wreck CoveNS PowerWreck Cove, NS
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (roller) gate Intake gate 3.9624 3.9624 1
Wire rope hoist Intake gate 30 1
2018Cameron FallsBrookfieldOntario, Canada
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Bulkhead (stoplogs) tail race gate 4
2018Sir Adam Beck 1OPGOntario, Canada
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Bulkhead (stoplogs) 3.9624 3.9624 3
2018Hull 2Energy OttawaQuebec, Canada
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Bulkhead (Stoplogs) 5.9 1.424 28
Lifting beam 1
Bulkhead (Stoplogs) intake stoplogs 5.9 2.134 16
Lifting beam 2
201811e chuteEHMQuebec, Canada3
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Trash rake automatic single-armed telescopic intake cleaner 1
2017OK CreekCity of Kansas CityKansas City, Missouri
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel gate Stainless steel gates 5.97 5.334 2
Lifting system Hydraulic actuators 2
Control pannels 2
2017BoiseCity of BoiseBoise, Idaho
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Trash rake 1
2017Barrage BoivinVille de GranbyGranby, Quebec
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Crest gates 12 2.05 3
Heating system for lateral guides 1
Complete hydraulic alimetation system 1
Hydraulic cylinder for crest gates 3
Control panels 1
Interface system for crest gates 1
Water level sensors 2
2017Chickwat CreekWinderRiver Power CorpHope, British-Columbia
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Trash rack steel trash rack 1
2017Island FallsSaksPowerSaskatchewan, Canada
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Log lifter 2
2017EstrivalParkbridgeQuebec, Canada
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Crest gate (bottom hinged flap gate) 12.01 2.756 1
2017Lower RamonaWindriver Power CorpHope, BC
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Trash rack steel trash rack 3.984 4.895 1
2016Middle CreekSwift PowerBritish Columbia, Canada
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Trash rake 1
2016Hydro-CanyonSociété Hydro Canyon St-JoachimQuebec, Canada
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fine trash rack thermoplastic 14.497 9.415 1
2016FairfordManitoba InfrastructureManitoba, Canada
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Log lifter 1
2016Tobique NarrowsNB PowerNew-Brunswick, Canada
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel gate spillway regulation gate 16 20.6 1
Electric valve actuator lifting operator spillway regulation gate 1
Slide gate weir gate on spillway regulating gate 11 8.225 1
Electric valve actuator lifting operator for weir gate 1
2015New Post CreekOntario Power GenerationCochrane, OntarioHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate 4,4 4,2 1
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Spillway gate 5,8 7,6 2
Slide gate Draft tube gate 4,4 4,3 2
Slide gate IFR gate 1,4 1,4 1
Coarse Trash rack Intake trashrack 8,8 2,3 3
Coarse Trash rack IFR trashrack 1,6 1,7 1
Bulkhead (Stop logs) Intake stoplogs 4,4 1,8 4
Bulkhead (Stop logs) Spillway stoplogs 5,7 2,1 3
Follower beam (Lifting beam) Intake stoplogs follower beam 3,75 1
Follower beam (Lifting beam) Spillway stoplogs follower beam 7,5 1
Follower beam (Lifting beam) Intake trashracks 9,0 1
Wire rope hoist Intake gate hoist 14,6 1
Wire rope hoist Spillway gates hoists 26,8 2
Chain hoist Spillway stoplogs monorail 6 1
Hoist support structure Spillway hoist structure and housing 27 12 1
2015LatchfordTravaux publics CanadaLatchford, OntarioHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Log lifter 1
2015NictauxNova Scotia PowerNictaux, Nova-ScotiaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fine trash rack Thermoplastic 2.1 4.1 2
Fine trash rack Thermoplastic 2.1 4.6 2
2015Chaudière HydroHydro OttawaOttawaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Bulkhead intake and draft tube 14
Following beam intake and draft tube 1
Lifting system 2
2015EloraShama PowerElora, OntarioHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fine thermoplastic trash rack 1
Trash rack support 1
2015Stanislaus-California, USA
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Trash rake 1
Support structure for trash rake 1
2015Canal LachineParcs CanadaMontreal, Quebec
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Dynamic gate 1
2014London StreetPeterborough Utilities IncPeterborough/OntarioHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Bulkhead steel stoplogs 7.15 2.015 5
Follower beam stoplogs lifting beam 1
Fixed wheel gate heated draft tube gates 6.940 3.710 2
Hydraulic cylinder +HPU heated draft tube gates 2
Fixed wheel gate sluice gate 5.639 4.365 1
Hydraulic cylinder + HPU heated sluice gate 1
Intake trashrack thermoplastic 7.150 9.000 2
Support structure trashrack 2
2014Jimmie CreekAlterra PowerPowell River/British ColumbiaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate 3,300 3,200 1
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Sluice gate 3,900 4,200 1
Bulkhead (Stop logs) Intake stoplogs 5,700 1,600 9
Bulkhead (Stop logs) Sluice stoplogs 3,900 2,500 3
Slide gate Draft tube gate 3,800 2,400 1
HPU & control panels Intake and sluice gate 1
Hydraulic cylinders Intake and sluice gate 2
Fine trash rack Thermoplastic 2,500 8,200 2
Coarse trash rack Galvanized steel 5,700 1,200 6
Trash rake Hydraulic 1
2013PIT 3Syblon Reid, PG & ECalifornia, USAHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Rubber dams Floecksmuhle bladder 25,527 1,828 3
Mechanical components
Control panel
2013Methals DevelopmentDaeco Contracting Ltd, Nova Scotia PowerNova-Scotia, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fine Trash rack Thermoplastic 6,096 6,553 1
2013Dokis – OkikondatHydromegaOntario, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Draft tube gate 7,82 5,09 18,67 2
Hydraulic cylinders
Bulkhead (Stop logs) 7,35 2,5 7
Follower beam (Lifting beam) 4
HPU & control panels
2013Val-JalbertCegerco, Société de l'énergie communautaire du Lac St-JeanQuébec, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Crest (Bottom hinged flap gate) Sluice gate 16 1.6 7 1
Hydraulic cylinders
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate 3.6 3 4.57 1
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Sluice gate 2.5 3.2 3.37 1
Wire rope hoist Intake gate 15 1
Wire rope hoist Sluice gate 7.5 1
Hoist support structure
Slide gate Sluice gate 1.219 2 1
Screw stem acturator Sluice 3.25 3.055 3.63 2
Slide gate Draft tube gate 3.25 3.055 3.63 2
Chain Hoist Draft tube gate 5
Bulkhead (Stop logs) Intake gate 2
Fine Trash rack Galvanized steel 3.6 4.925 2
2013St George Pulp and PaperIrving St. George PowerNew-Brunswick, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Slide gate Spillway gate 3,632 2,347 6 1
Slide gate Spillway gate + Fish migration gate 3,683 4,371 8,25 1
Slide gate Spillway gate 3,683 3,252 5,46 1
Hoist support structure 1
Hydraulic cylinders 6
HPU & control panel 1
2013White RiverRegional PowerWhite River/OntarioHydrpower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel gate Draft tube gate 4.7 3.35 2
Compensation unit Draft tube gate 2
Bulkhead (Stop logs) Intake stoplogs 5.8 6.1 6
Follower beam (Lifting beam) Intake stoplogs 2
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Sluice gate 5.25 6.8 4
Hydraulic cylinders Sluice gate 4
HPU & control panels Sluice gate 2
Bulkhead (Stop logs) Spillway stoplogs 5.25 6.8 6
Follower beam (Lifting beam) Spillway stoplogs 2
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate 4
Hydraulic cylinders Intake gate 4
HPU & control panels Intake gate 2
Compensation unit Intake gate 2
Trashrack Intake trashrack 4
Trashrack Compensation unit trashrack 2
2013Piney DamBrookfieldClarion/PennsylvaniaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Bulkhead Floating bulkhead 7.529 5.809 1
2012-2013KokishPeter Kiewit Sons, Brookfield Renewable EnergyBritish Columbia, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel gate Intake gate 5 4 1
Wire rope hoist 20 1
Control panel 1
2012-2013Westburry DamConstruction Longer, Hydro-SherbrookeQuébec ,CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel gate guide Spillway gate guide 4
2012-2013Frontenac DamHydro-SherbrookeQuébec, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Gantry cranes (Log lifter) Screw stem actuator 12 1
2012Wasdell fallsWasdell Falls Power CorporationOntario, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
VLH Turbine frame Support structure 5.34 5.34 3
Hydraulic cylinders
Bulkhead (Stop logs) 5.67 2 6
Follower beam (Lifting beam) 4
Coarse Trash rack Galvanized steel 5.34 5.34 3
HPU & control panels 1
2012Long LakeEBC, Regional PowerBritish Columbia, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate 3.305 3 6.542 1
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Sluice gate 3.305 3 6.542 1
Slide gate Intake gate 1,6 1,6 2
Slide gate IFR gate 0,457 0,457 1
Hydraulic cylinders
Coarse Trash rack Intake 3 3 1
Fine Trash rack Intake 2 3 1
HPU and control panel
2012Six NationsConval Equipment Ltd., Six NationsOntario, CanadaWastewater managment station
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Coarse Trash rack Intake screen 0,8 0,8 0,55 6
Follower beam (Lifting beam) 1,2 1
2012Dasque & Middle CreekSurespan, Swift PowerBritish Columbia, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Slide gate Sluice gate 2.591 2.591 1
Slide gate Sluice gate 2 2 1
Slide gate Sluice gate 1 1 1
Slide gate Sluice gate 1.829 1.829 1
Slide gate Sluice gate 0.305 0.305 1
Slide gate Sluice gate 1.524 1.524 1
Bulkhead (Stop logs) Intake & Draft tube gate 4.5 2 1.9 5
Coarse Trash rack Intake 4.5 2.828 1
Bulkhead (Stop logs) Intake & Draft tube gate 3.4 3.145 1.65 1
Fine Trash rack Intake 3.584 2.945 1
2012Hydro-FraserHydro-FraserQuébec, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Crest (Bottom hinged flap gate) Spillway gate 4,268 2,73 2,42 1
Hydraulic cylinders 2
HPU & control panels 1
2012Mackay DamMike Moore Construction Ltd, Brookfield Renewable EnergyOntario, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate 2,9 3,16 10,4 2
Wire rope hoist 28,5 2
2011-2013Sartigan DamCentre d’expertise Hydrique Québec Saint-Georges de Beauce, Québec, CanadaSluice gate heating system
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Spillway gates - heated 6,096 6,25 35 3
Hoist support structure Galvanized steel 3
Wire rope hoist 44 3
Control panels Control panels & starters
Bulkhead (Stop log) 6,096 1,956 3,318 10
Follower beam (Lifting beam) 15 1
Chain hoist Electrical Monorail 2 1
Wire rope hoist Overhead traveling crane 15 1
2011-2013Northwest StaveInnergexMission, British Columbia, CanadaRemote site location, Flushing gate mounted on Sluice gate
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Slide gate Draft tube gate 5 3,4 5,33 3
Chain hoist monorail - Draft tube gate 10
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Sluice gate + Flap gate 6,5 5,5 17,23 1
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate 3,8 3,8 5,54 1
Hydraulic cylinders Sluice & Intake gate
Bulkhead (Stop logs) 2,125 6,5 3,92 5
Coarse Trash rack Galvanized steel 6,412 2,5 4
Fine Trash rack Galvanized steel 5 6 1
Trash rake Hydraulic 1
Slide gate IFC gate 1,219 1,219 1
2011-2012Shikellamy State ParkCommonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania, USAWater management
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Rubber dam Floecksmuhle bladder 88,695 2,44 3
2011 and 2014Bear CreekRegional PowerSechelt/British ColumbiaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Hydraulic hoist sluice gate 1
Hoist support structure galvanized steel 1
HPU et control panel 1
Fine trash rack thermoplastic - Upper Bear Creek 7.25 5.3 1
Fine trash rack thermoplastic - Lower Bear Creek 4 8.125 1
Coarse trash rack galvanized steel - Lower Bear Creek 5 5 2
Coarse trash rack galvanized steel - Upper Bear Creek 2 5 9
Follower beam galvanized steel 0.75 1
2011Lethbridge Northern HeadworksCaliber Systems Inc, Alberta TransportationAlberta, CanadaIrrigation
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Wire rope hoist 39 1
2010-2013HydromegaConstruction Demathieu & Bard (CDB) inc., HydromegaOntario, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Draft tube gate 5.908 4.256 11.901 8
Bulkhead (Stop log) Intake gate 4.35 4.848 6.877 4
Bulkhead (Stop log) Intake gate 4.35 4.848 5.904 2
Hydraulic cylinders
Slide gate Spillway gate 1.524 1.639 0.41 2
Screw stem actuator
Slide gate Spillway gate 3 1.8 3.2 2
Wire rope hoist 7 2
Hoist support structure
Fine Trash rack Galvanized steel 5.8 8.086 2
Control panels
2010Bonny EagleFPLMaine, USAHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Rubber Dam Floecksmuhle bladder 49,651 1,463, 2
2010Massawippi DamM.P. eco, Régie du parc Régional du Lac MassawippiQuébec, CanadaWater management
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Slide Gate Spillway gate - Stainless 6 1.64 2.432 1
Hoist support structure Galvanized steel 1
Screw stem actuator 7.5 1
2010Masson DamCivbec, Quebec Ministry of Environment (CEHQ)Québec, CanadaWater management
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Crest (Bottom hinged flap gate) Spillway gate 2.8 1.606 1.033 2
Hoist support structure
Wire rope hoist Spillway gate 7.5 2
Bulkhead (Stop log) 2.8 1.0065 0.65 2
2010Waterville DamHimalaya Construction, Quebec Ministry of Environment (CEHQ)Québec, CanadaWater management
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Slide gate Spillway gate 3.888 3.622 3 1
2009-2010Baie Trinité DamFortin et Levesque Inc, Quebec Ministry of Environment (CEHQ)Québec, CanadaWater management
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fish escalator 1
Coarse Trash rack 2
Wire rope hoist 3
2009KipawaQuebec Ministry of Environment (CEHQ)Québec, CanadaWater management
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Slide gate Spillway gate 0,94 1,524 0,668 2
Screw stem actuator
2009Trente-et-Un-Milles DamQuebec Ministry of Environment (CEHQ)Québec, CanadaWater management
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Crest (Bottom hinged flap gate) Spillway gate 2.8 1.606 1.1 2
Hoist support structure
Wire rope hoist Spillway gate 7.5 2
Bulkhead (Stop log) 2.8 1.0065 0.65 2
2008-2012Rainbow FallsPPL MontanaGreat Falls, Montana, USASupply multi-segment gates on pivot
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Powercanal gate 5,63 7,62 3
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Penstock gate 4,267 7,762 2
Slide gate Draft tube gate 6,845 6,2 2
Hoist support structure Powercanal & Penstock 5
Wire rope hoist Powercanal gate 28 3
Wire rope hoist Penstock gate 39 2
Control panels 2
2008-2010Bone CreekCanadian Projects Limited, CHDBritish Columbia, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate 3 3 3.8 1
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Sluice gate + slide gate 3 3 5 1
Slide gate Draft tube gate 2.2 1.7 1.495 2
Slide gate Minium release gate 3
Hydraulic cylinders Intake & Sluice
Chain hoist Monorail hoist - Draft tube gate 3 1
2008-2009Magog damHydro-SherbrookeMagog, Quebec, CanadaReusing old wooden stoplogs to form bulkhead gates. Use existing unaligned rails for Gantry Crane rolling path.
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Gantry cranes (Log lifter) Screw stem actuator 12 1
Bulkhead (Stop log) Spillway Wooden stop log 2,591 2,438 3
Bulkhead (Stop log) Spillway Wooden stop log 2,591 3,658 3
Bulkhead (Stop log) Intake Wooden stop log 2,591 1,829 6
2008-2009Fitzsimmons CreekLedcor, InnergexBritish Columbia, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Slide gate Intake gate 1.981 1.981 0.46 1
Slide gate Sluice gate 1.016 1.016 1
Slide gate Sluice gate 0.5 0.5 1
Hydraulic cylinders Intake gate
HPU Intake gate
Screw stem actuator
2008-2009Trent RapidsIBI Group, Trent Rapids PowerOntario, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fine Trash rack Thermoplastic 5.6 12.95 2
2008Ragged ChuteCHDOntario, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Hoist support structure Sluice gate 1
Hydraulic cylinders
2007-2008Ashlu CreekLedcor, InnergexBritish Columbia, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Heated Sluice gate + Flap gate 6.5 6.5 24.6 1
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate 3.8 4.8 6.7 1
Hydraulic cylinders Sluice & Intake gate
Bulkhead (Stop logs) 2 6.5 4.6 2
Coarse Trash rack Galvanized steel 5.333 3.5 3
Fine Trash rack Galvanized steel 5.445 6.45 1
Trash rake IFC gate 0.8 0.8 1
Slide gate IFC gate 1.016 1.219 1
Slide gate 1
HPU & control panels 1
2007-2008AberfeldieWestern Versatile, BC HydroBritish Columbia, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate 3.05 3.5 7.2 2
Hydraulic cylinders
Fine Trash rack Thermoplastic 6.525 6.396 2
2007-2008Kwalsa and Upper StavePeter Kiewit Sons, CloudworksBritish Columbia, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel gate Intake gate 3 3 4.4 5
Slide gate Sluice gate 1.8 1.2 0.41 10
Slide gate IFC gates 0.508 0.508 5
Screw stem actuator
2006-2008Umbata FallsInnergexMarathon, Ontario, CanadaSluice gate heating system (gate body and lintel heating) Extreme wide load transport.
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Heated - Spillway gate 5,6 4,4 18 2
Wire rope hoist Heated - Spillway gate 40 2
Bulkhead (Stop log) Permanent stoplog 5,6 3,273 7,9 2
Slide gate Draft tube gate 3,157 4,4 5,3 2
Follower beam (Lifting beam) Galvanized steel 7 1
2006-2008Lower and Upper ClowhomHydromax EnergyBritish Columbia, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate 3 3 3.32 1
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate 2.5 2.5 2.35 1
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Sluice gate 3 3 3.32 1
Slide gate Sluice gate 1.676 1.676 0.53 2
Slide gate Draft tube gate 3.2 2.5 2.75 3
Slide gate Minimum release gate 0.915 0.915 1
Slide gate Minimum release gate 0.762 0.762 1
Hydraulic cylinders 1
HPU & control panel 1
2006-2007MagpieHydromega (Now purchased by Innergex)Minganie Regional County Municipality, Quebec, CanadaTemporary bypass lifting system. Tide influence on draft tube gates
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate 3,92 4,964 11,6 3
Bulkhead (Stop log) Intake gate 4,434 5,4 10,1 1
Slide gate Draft tube gate 5,8 3,7 11,9 2
Bulkhead (Stop log) Sluice gate 7 1,272 4,4 11
Wire rope hoist Intake gate 25 3
Gantry Crane Wire rope hoist 16 1
Coarse trash rack Galvanized steel 5,4 8,55 3
2006-2007Weedon DamHydro-SherbrookeQuébec, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Gantry cranes Screw stem actuator 12 1
Control panel
2006Kenogami – BesyAbitibi ConsolidatedJonquière, QuébecHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fine trash rack Thermoplastic 2,23 5,56 6
2005SM-1HydromegaQuébec, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Slide gate Draft tube gate 4.91 3.68 6.317 2
2005Kakabeka FallsOntario Power generationOntario, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fine Trash rack Galvanized steel 4.699 2.438 3
2004-2005Upper MamquamCanadian Hydro, Canadian Projects LimitedBritish Columbia, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel gate Intake gate 3,6 3,6 5,75 1
Fixed wheel gate Sluice gate 7,2 3,6 16,5 1
Slide gate Sluice gate 0,61 0,61 1
Hydraulic cylinder
2004-2005Aylmer DamCegerco, Quebec Ministry of Environment (CEHQ)Québec, CanadaWater management
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel gate Spillway gates - heated 4.572 4.25 8 5
Bulkhead 4.572 4.25 4.25 1
Wire rope hoist Spillway gate 12 5
Chain hoist monorail 6 1
Screw stem actuator Spillway gate 18 1
Slide gate Spillway gate 2.743 1.52 1.5 1
Control panel 1
2003-2004Drops 4, 5 and 6Irrican PowerAlberta, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Turbine Draft tube Elbow 1
Turbine upstream Cone 1
2003-2004Rivière des PrairiesHydro-QuébecQuébec , CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Trash rake Automatic trash rake 1
Trash rack Stainless steel trashrack 3,7 3,16 1
2002-2003Beeton UnitAbitibi - Consilidated, SNC / HJO'Connell Joint VentureNewfoundland, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate 5,8 6,805 23 1
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Draft tube gate 5,49 4,578 23 10
Follower beam (Lifting beam) Galvanized steel 1
Coarse Trash rack Galvanized steel
2002-2003St George HydroIrving ForestNew-Brunswick, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Radial gate (Tainter) Sluice gate 9,321 9,321 1
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate 2
Hydraulic cylinder Intake gate
Wire rope hoist Sluice gate
2001-2002Granite CanalNewfoundland & Labrador HydroNewfoundland, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate
Bulkhead (Stop log) Intake gate
Bulkhead (Stop log) Draft tube gate
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Spillway gates
Fine Thrash rack Thermoplastic
2001Pump Station 319Bell ContractorsFlorida, USAWastewater management station
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fine Trash Rack Thermoplastic 8.6 11.3 5
2001Pump Station 362Modern Cont. SouthFlorida, USAWaste water / Pump station management
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fine Trash Rack Thermoplastic 8.4 11.6 6
2001SM-1Hydromega,CENQuébec, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate
Hydraulic cylinder Intake gate
Fine Trash rack Steel
2000Twin Cities PlantFord MotorMinnesota, USAHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Trash rake 1
2000MinashtukEBC inc.Québec, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel gate intake gate 4.7 3.8 5.5
Bulkhead intake gate 5.1 1.9 6.7
Slide gate sluice gate
Slide gate bypass gate
Trash rack
Trash rake
2000Ruth FallsNova-Scotia PowerNova-ScotiaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fine trash rack Thermoplastic
2000Kakabeka fallsOntario Power generationOntario, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fine Trash Rack Thermoplastic
1999Sept ChutesHydro-QuébecQuébec, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate
Fine Trash Rack Galvanized steel
1999BeauharnoisHydro-QuébecQuebec, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Trash rake cleaner 1
1999Chute BellHydro-QuébecQuebec, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate 5.060 6.865 24 1
Bulkhead (Stop log) Intake gate 1.352 4.6 1
Bulkhead (Stop log) Bypass
Fine Trash Rack Galvanized steel
Trash rake cleaner
1999St-LambertBoralex inc.Quebec, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fine Trash Rack Galvanized Steel
Trash rake cleaner
1999Sept ChutesTecsult - EBCQuebec, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Crest (bottom hinged flap gate)
Fixed wheel (roller) gate intake gate
Fine Trash rack galvanized steel
Trash rake cleaner
1999Pouvoir RiverinAlgonquin PowerQuebec, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Bulkhead (stoplogs) 1
1999BuchananAmerican PowerMichigan, USAHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Trash rake 1
1998Chutes-à-GorryAxor inc.Quebec, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate
Crest (botton hinged flap gate)
Bulkhead (stoplogs)
Trash rack
Trash rake cleaner
1998McDougallRSP Hydro inc.Quebec, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Trash rake cleaner
1998PN-1InnergexQuebec, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Trash rake cleaner
1997-1998Jean-GuérinAxor inc.Quebec, CanadaHydropower
TypeAdditonal descriptionsWidth (m)Height (m)Capacity (tons)Quantity
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Intake gate
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Spillway gate
Fixed wheel (Roller) gate Sluice gate
Bulkhead (Stop log) Intake gate
Bulkhead (Stop log) Draft tube gate
Fine Trash Rack Galvanized steel
Trash rake cleaner